
Nothing found in scan

If you have ran a scan and no duplicates are found, don't worry. You either genuinely don't have any duplicates, or you need to tweak the criteria a little.
Common settings which can cause no duplicates to be found are:
For Image Mode
This mode finds similar images. Supported image types are:
.bmp .gif .jpg/.jpeg .ico .png .emf .dib .tif/.tiff
Any other file types are ignored in this mode. The program doesn't currently support RAW formats used by some cameras. (This is planned for a future release).
For Audio Mode
Supported file types are:
.mp3 .ogg .wav .wma .ape .flac .m4a .m4p
Audio mode (Match audio tags) relies on your files having been tagged with song title and artist information as a minimum. These tags (ID3) are usually created by the audio download or CD-ripping program (e.g. iTunes).