Command Line Parameters (Pro)

Duplicate Cleaner has the ability to be called from the Windows command line shell, or a batch (.BAT) file.
The following command line parameters are supported:

/i [folder]

Specify a folder to include in the scan. Can be used more than once.

/e [folder]

Specify a folder to exclude from the scan. Can be used more than once.

/p [profile file name]

Load the named profile (.dc file) upon starting

/o [output file name]

Automatically create an export CSV file once the scan has completed


Automatically begin the scan


Automatically close Duplicate Cleaner once the scan has completed
DuplicateCleaner.exe /i C:\Data\Docs /i C:\Data\Other
Starts Duplicate Cleaner with the two named folders added.
DuplicateCleaner.exe /i C:\Data\Docs /e C:\Data\Docs\Temp
Starts Duplicate Cleaner with the named folder added, and the temp folder excluded.
DuplicateCleaner.exe /p c:\profiles\checkdocs.dc /a /o c:\output\results.csv /c
This will load the profile called 'checkdocs.dc', run the scan, create an output results csv file and close the program.